Many people wonder will FPL really buy FPUA?
TCPalm reports that FPL made an offer in 2012.
The reports quotes the Fort Pierce Mayor Linda Huson.
The last time an FPUA sale even was discussed was 2012, when FPL gave a presentation to the FPUA board of directors, but nothing ever came of it, said Mayor Linda Hudson, whose position as mayor gives her a seat on the FPUA board of directors.
“I, for one, like our city utility,” said Hudson, who said she would oppose any sale of FPUA. “I think our service in terms of repairing outages is superior to FPL because our workforce is local and live here so they can arrive to an outage a lot faster instead of having to dispatch someone from Palm Beach or some other place.”
It is laughable that only a city-owned utility can quickly service power outages.
We all see how quickly FPL responds to hurricanes and outages across the state. We all see the Pike trucks or know someone working for Pike.
The real reason is the $6 million dollar incentive and conflict of interest with FPUA employing Mayor Linda Huson’s brother-in-law.