Vero Beach residents may soon benefit from competition for electricity.
It’s no guarantee and likely may not be as good as the sale to FPL but it is very likely to be better than overpaying for the current FMPA rates that Vero Beach and Fort Pierce are stuck with.
The best answer may will still be abandoning the cartel which is the FMPA.
But former Indian River Taxpayers Association President Glenn Heran says the city is heading down the wrong path by bidding out the bulk power supply.
The city heard promises of lower electric bills in 2008, when it signed the OUC contract, he said. Within a few years, the city had lower bills, but they still were higher than FPL’s, he said.
“We’ve been there. We’ve heard that,” Heran said. “The only way to get FPL rates is to be FPL.”
Source: Analysis: Vero Beach gambling new bids will give its customers lower electric rates – TC Palm