Flip the Switch and Say No to High FPUA Rates
The Choice Shouldn’t Be to Buy Food or Pay High Electric Bills
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FPUA Rates are TOO High
Fort Pierce has high poverty levels. Unnecessarily high power bills hurt locals.
It should NOT cost more just to keep the lights on. No more excuses.

Source: WPTV
Let's Flip the Switch to FPL
Join the fed up FPUA customers who are tired of overpaying for their electricity.
FPUA customers have been overpaying for years.
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Can This Really Be Done?
January 1, 2022 FPL’s parent company bought Gulf Power in northwest Florida.
Our neighbor Vero Beach finalized the sale of their power company to FPL in 2018. That is less than 5 years ago.
FPL has demonstrated they will acquire power companies. They have done so right next door and it went smoothly.
Then and Now: Mayor Hudson on FPUA
It's all about cold hard cash. Politicians can't resist it as Mayor Hudson has been dragged down by it for almost a decade. In June of 2011 Linda Hudson talked of A New Beginning in Fort Pierce. Ms. Hudson pledged that if elected, she would forego any salary, car...
FPUA Pushes Base Rate Hike While Natural Gas Prices Soar
Recently FPUA is trying to blame all of its troubles on the rising prices of liquid natural gas. FPUA continues to treat it's customers as little children. The timeline of the gas price increases and what FPUA has done to raise customer rates should be criminal. In...
Will Linda Hudson Stand in Way of Fort Pierce?
Many people wonder will FPL really buy FPUA? TCPalm reports that FPL made an offer in 2012. The reports quotes the Fort Pierce Mayor Linda Huson. The last time an FPUA sale even was discussed was 2012, when FPL gave a presentation to the FPUA board of directors, but...